The Man and his Keyboard

Rylee Holwager
2 min readFeb 28, 2021


It is 6 p.m. on a Saturday night and all you can hear is the clacking of a keyboard, the clicking of a mouse, and an occasional cuss word. On a plastic desk there is two monitors, side by side, all lit up and a giant box off to the side. This giant box is shining multiple colors nonstop and making the loudest fan noises. In front of all this there is a man sitting in his pjs, who just can’t keep his eyes off the screen.

He is playing the game he downloaded just last night — Valheim. Valheim is a survival based game very similar to Minecraft, except everything isn’t in blocks.

His right hand is glued on the mouse and his left stuck between alternating from the W, A, S, and D keys.

If you begin to focus your attention to his screen, or as he insists you call it, his monitor, there is a completely different world there. There is a man in a loincloth hunting for food to eat. Every time this little man swings his axe at a boar, there is a simultaneous click noise.

He begins to rant that the boar are easier to hunt than the deer because his running skill hasn’t been built up enough yet.

It is ironic that he is playing a character that is fighting for his life and trying to build shelter, while he utilizes his $3,000 gaming PC to play this game and sits comfortably in his Santa Clarita home.

Suddenly there is this quite voice that comes from his corsair void wireless headset.

This voice is his brother’s who is currently serving in the U.S. Air Force in Spokeane, Washington.

This Saturday night at 6 p.m. is one of the only times they get to “spend together” and that is why the man sits at his keyboard.



Rylee Holwager
Rylee Holwager

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